the portfolio of dustin smith

•March 3, 2009 • Leave a Comment

Thank you for visiting my blogfolio. (Hey, if Beyonce can get the word “Bootylicious” into Webster’s — “blogfolio” will be my contribution to the English lexicon.) Sooo… as my vocabulary is constantly evolving, so is my design style.

Coca-Cola Enterprises Employee Benefits Brochure

Coca-Cola Enterprises Employee Brochure

I’ve been a Graphic Designer for over 10 years. I’ve been creative my whole life. Organized. Efficient. And witty. I have my eye on new challenges. New opportunities. And a desire to create innovative, amazing design solutions I believe in.

In a perfect world, client demands and my creative spirit will live happily ever after. And if that isn’t always the case, at least I have the benefit of being a Swiss Army Designer and utilize whatever tools necessary to please the client.

I’ve been an Art Director, Graphic Designer and a Creative Copywriter. On the other hand, I’ve never been an astronaut, a cowboy, or a pirate. But, I’m still young.

Anyway, I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to learn a little bit more about my design experience and qualifications, as well as view select samples from my portfolio.
